On March 8, thousands crossed under the arch of the Edmond Pettus Bridge where the name of Edmund Pettus, a Ku Klux Klan member, Confederate soldier, and Democratic Senator, remains. Once marchers were across the bridge, a billboard greeted them with an inviting message – “Welcome to President Obama and You.” There was food and refreshments, memorabilia, speakers, and music on that side of the bridge. Marchers could also mill around near the Alabama River. However, heading back into Selma, on the opposite side of the welcome sign, another message spanned the billboard for marchers to read. From top to bottom it said: “Friends of Forrest, Inc. Welcomes You To Historic Selma. Visit Selma’s War Between the States. Historic Sites.” Prominently, to the left side of these words, was the picture of Civil War General, Nathan Bedford Forrest, on horseback. In addition, and boldly written, was a quote attributable to Forrest that stated, “Keep the Skeer On ‘Em.” Not only was Forrest a Confederate officer but, importantly, the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.